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Share some installation and maintenance skills of solar panels

By Xingao22  Aug, 2024


First, the installation skills

1.Location: Choose a sunny and unobstructed location, usually the roof is the ideal choice. Ensuring that the roof has enough load-bearing capacity to support the weight of solar panels generally requires professional evaluation. For example, the roof facing south can receive sunlight to the greatest extent and get direct light for a long time every day.

2.Installation angle: according to your geographical location, adjust the inclination angle of solar panels. Generally speaking, in areas with lower latitudes, the angle can be slightly smaller; In higher latitudes, the angle should be increased appropriately. For example, in the area around 30 degrees north latitude, the installation angle can be set between 30 degrees and 45 degrees.

3.Fixing method: Use reliable mounting bracket to firmly fix the solar panel in the installation position. Ensure that the bracket can withstand severe weather conditions such as strong winds. For example, you can choose stainless steel bracket, which has good corrosion resistance and strength.

4.Wiring: Plan the direction of wires reasonably and shorten the length of wires as much as possible to reduce the power loss. At the same time, make sure that the wires are firmly connected and well insulated. Use professional wire connectors and properly hide wires in pipes or trunking to prevent damage and electric shock risk.

Second, the maintenance skills

1.Cleaning: regularly clean the dust, dirt and bird droppings on the surface of solar panels. You can gently wipe it with a soft wet cloth or a special solar panel cleaner. It is generally recommended to clean once every 1-3 months, and the specific frequency depends on the local environmental conditions. For example, in areas with heavy wind and sand, it may be necessary to clean more frequently.

2.Check the connection: regularly check whether the wire connection is loose or damaged. If problems are found, they should be repaired or replaced in time. At the same time, check whether the connection of inverter and other equipment is normal to ensure the stable operation of the whole system.

3.Monitoring performance: Pay attention to the power generation efficiency and output power of solar power generation system. If it is found that the power generation efficiency is obviously reduced, it may be that the solar power panel is faulty or affected by a shelter. You can use professional monitoring equipment or check the display data of inverter to understand the running status of the system.

4.Prevention of shading: Ensure that there are no trees, buildings or other objects around the solar panels to shade the sun. Trim the surrounding branches regularly and remove obstacles that may affect the sunlight.

5.Professional maintenance: every once in a while (usually 1-2 years), please ask professionals to conduct a comprehensive inspection and maintenance of the solar power generation system. They can carry out more in-depth inspection and maintenance to ensure that the system is always in good running condition.